Do you often see the numbers repeatedly?
Did you know that many call them messages from angels?
They often appear at specific times in our lives!
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Or maybe you see the same numbers a few times a week or even a few times a day? An example might be time, 11:11, 12:12, and so on. But numbers like 333 or 222, 444, and so on. they can appear in various forms - phone numbers, the number from a car, the series of the shopping voucher, etc. The good news is that you're not the only one who sees such sequences.
What are the numbers of the Angels?
Among the first to speak on this subject is Doreen Virtue, a book on "Messages from Angels." Therefore, it is important to understand that the Angels send us certain messages and are often messengers. This guidance through the numbers of the Angels comes from the Universal Consciousness, from God, from the Universe itself, giving us ideas and messages to make our work and life easier. The way we perceive, interpret, or observe them is up to us!
You're probably wondering what numbers?
First of all, we need to be aware that the world we live in is digital, mathematical… practically numbers are everywhere! We could also say that numbers are a universal language, being understood and recognized worldwide, even if not everyone knows numerology, patterns, and repetitions can be easily found in any culture. So, when an angelic number appears, you will definitely recognize it… and you don't even have to make a lot of effort to notice them ... you just need to have an open mind.
Date of birth
There are people who see their date of birth, day and/or month, at least 4-5 times a week… whether it appears on receipts, license plates, various screens, etc. These appearances and sequences show the connection between your guardian and you.
123 and 321 Did you happen to find the sequence 123 often? This is an angelic sequence that appears to describe very clearly and beautifully the simplicity of the Universe. When this sequence comes in your way, you are reminded that life is as simple as "123"! You are encouraged to simplify your life, to see its beauty, and to realize that joy lies in simple things. You can simplify your life by delegating, giving up, or rearranging some areas/aspects. If this number appears in reverse? For example, if you look at your watch at 3:21 every morning, your attention is drawn to the resistance on your way, a sign that you are making certain things much more difficult than they should be.
What you resist, will persist!
Angel number 911
In some countries, this number is associated with urgency and drama, which can cause fear in some people… Although this idea has been induced, numerologists know this number as an ancient, sacred sequence, carrying a unique combination of vibration of the wisdom and experience of 9 with the vibration of awakening and direct connection with the Source given by the master number 11. So, if the number 911 appears often, the message transmitted is of the divine presence, of support - feel the message and enjoy it from the heart!
It is among the most common sequences, this being the reason why it is possible to have aroused your curiosity. 11:11 is a strong spiritual sign of awakening and awareness at a high level, but also a sign of alignment with the purpose of your life. It tends to occur frequently when people begin their spiritual journey. 1111 is a direct message from the Angels that you are on the right track, all you have to do is keep going.
When reading the meanings of the sequences that will follow, it is very important that you align with yourself and listen to your instincts and intuition.
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1,11,111,1111 - the beginning of a new journey
What should you do? Simple! Focus on the positive things. You are strong and you deserve the best. You have the power to be aware and accomplish everything you put in your mind. In other words, everything you want to achieve is aligned to be fulfilled. The number is also associated with new beginnings, courage, inspiration, originality, uniqueness. With the appearance of this sequence, you are transmitted the great potential you have, you just have to use it.
2,22,222,2222 - the energy of balance and cooperation
2 is the first female number in numerology and represents a strong force to unite, to bring balance, cooperation, understanding, reconciliation. Confidence and patience are needed to resolve the situation you are in. Repeating the number 2 is a sign that it is time to be your own healer, take care of yourself, and prioritize your desires - the right actions, good emotional state, and love are necessary. This number can also draw your attention to the fact that there is an imbalance in your life.
3,33,333,3333 - creativity needs to be developed
3 represents the playful, curious, creative child. It also symbolizes the trinity mind/body/spirit and the magic that occurs when they unite and pull in the same direction. It is also considered a lucky number. Number 3 tells you to use the energy of communication, sensitivity to emotions, self-expression. Pay attention to the joy of living, to rediscover the game, the innocence of childhood - live them, and enjoy them to the fullest!
4,44,444,4444 - body health is important
Figure 4 represents stability and health. We exist here on a physical plane, and everything we feel, think, and say seeps into this three-dimensional space and manifests itself in our daily experience. 4 is a powerful reminder that you are here to grow in a grounded, practical way, and the opportunities are shown to you just to achieve this. Harder work may be needed to achieve the goal, but you have the energetic support to put everything in order. It can also mean that you need security, that you can feel limited, squared - it is essential to enjoy the physical world and to be grateful.
5,55,555,5555 - positive changes occur
The number 5 represents change, adventure, and freedom. The change that this figure brings is always for your own good and in line with your spiritual and personal development. Repeating 5 is a strong message of self-confidence, boldness, but also flexibility. It is a sign that you have to embrace change, give up old patterns and venture, experiment.
6,66,666,6666 - the symbol of love, compassion, beauty, creation
When 66, 666, or 6666 appears, the message strongly refers to the mother's archetype and how it appears or not in your life. The sequence can occur when you are worried, you need support. It is the way of the Universe to tell you to relax because you are guided by divinity. 6 also comes as a message that you need to take care of yourself but also those around you. It can also be an urge to take responsibility for yourself.
7,77,777,7777 - mysticism, wisdom, and luck
It is known that 7 is the number of the seeker, who wants to discover the esoteric. No matter how it appears in your life, the repetition of this figure tells you that you have an important lesson to learn in your life. It marks both the beginning and the end. You are on the right track and you will exceed what will happen, moreover, there are chances that your expectations will be exceeded. It requires constant work to go into the depths of life and gain wisdom.
8,88,888,8888 - the energy of power, prosperity, mastery
The figure is often associated with abundance and strength. When this happens often in your life, it is a clear message that it is your turn. There will be obstacles, but your full participation is required to achieve success. It is the number of cosmic consciousness and infinity. By its appearance, angels tell you that there is infinite abundance in the world. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.
9,99,999,9999 - end of cycle, closing, completion
9 is a strong figure, being the highest, it includes the others - it represents wisdom, experience, and conclusion. When this number is shown to you often, the message is that you are close to completing a cycle or period that you have been going through for some time. A good indicator that it is time to give up, to make room for the new. His presence can mean that the task is difficult for you and that it requires a lot of confidence. Don't be sad, something good will come, this last stage of completion is necessary.
000 - the connection with the Divinity
A sign that reminds you that you are one with God and that you must feel the presence of the Creator's love within you. It is also a sign that a specific cycle of a certain situation has ended.
1010, 1212 and other double sequences
These double sequences need to be interpreted both separately and together. The best method is to use the principles of numerology and the meanings of numbers. For example, if we take the number 1212 we have - the number 1 carries a strongly masculine, independent, creative, impulsive frequency. While the number 2 aligns with feminine energy, intuitive, receptive, cooperative. So, this sequence can refer to the way you relate to the masculine and feminine energies in your life.
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